Join HMEA’s Autism Resource Central to Celebrate 25 Amazing Years!
Thanks for your interest! Online ticket sales for this event have now closed. For inquiries, please use contact information below.
Evening to include:
Cocktail Hour | Dinner | Awards Ceremony | Raffles | Auction | Dancing
When and Where:
Cyprian Keyes Golf Club | 284 East Temple Street | Boylston, MA 01505
Friday, October 14, 2022
Cocktail Hour: 6:00-7:00pm | Dinner, Awards, Dancing: 7:00-11:00pm
Awards to include:
Recognition of Julie Atherton, who has helped bring in over $100,000 in donations for the Center
Autism Resource Central Community Partner Award: David Crowley, Adaptive Exercise
and Lifetime Achievement Award: Sue Loring
$75 per person | $125 per pair
Proceeds benefit the programs and services of HMEA’s Autism Resource Central, and the more than 4,000 children, adults, and families who seek supports from the Center every year.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available:
With sponsorship opportunities starting at just $250, there’s something that fits every budget. Every sponsor dollar supports the mission of HMEA’s Autism Resource Central. Click HERE to learn more about exciting and exclusive sponsor opportunities and benefits!
Gala Program Ad – Available to Individuals or Families:
For $50, include a custom message in the 25th Anniversary Gala official program book. Add this option in your registration below, then contact with your 50-character message! This option not available to agencies or sponsors.
Contact Kris Cariglia | Director Autism Resource Center |
Special Thanks to the Sponsor of the 25th Anniversary Gala